Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk is proud to see women taking up more than half the positions on Queensland Government-owned business boards . Photo: Supplied.
The appointment of 56 new and reappointed directors across Queensland Government-owned business boards will ensure the continued delivery of key services for Queenslanders across the state.
With 30 of the 56 appointments women, the government has already delivered on its target of 50 per cent representation of women on government-owned business boards.
“I’m proud to see so many women taking up more than half of the positions on the Queensland Government-owned business boards,” Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk said.
“We set ourselves the important task of lifting women’s representation and have since exceeded the targets put it place.”
The businesses deliver services including energy and water supply, passenger and freight rail, trade via key ports and the management of invested funds on the state’s behalf.
Minister for Transport and Main Roads Mark Bailey said “keeping public assets in the hands of Queenslanders is a signature achievement of the Palaszczuk Government”.
“It means we have levers available to assist Queenslanders when they need it most,” he explained.
Minister for Regional Development and Manufacturing and Minister for Water Glenn Butcher said the diverse range of board members “plays an important role in managing the state’s water assets for the benefit of all Queenslanders”.
“It’s great to see the continued representation from across regional Queensland and the diversity of experience across the appointees,” he said
The representation target was set as part of the Queensland Women’s Strategy.
“Representation of women in male-dominated industries is crucial if we are to achieve gender equality,” Minister for Health, Mental Health and Ambulance Services and Minister for Women Shannon Fentiman said.
“It is extremely encouraging to see more women taking on diverse careers.”
The Palaszczuk Government is committed to increasing the number of women on boards in not only the public sector, but also the private and not-for-profit sectors.