Brigette Hyacinth* says micromanagers often appeal to employers because they give the appearance of being on top of their jobs, but all the while they are draining the trust from those under them.
Trust is the foundation of any successful relationship, whether professionally or personally.
When it’s broken, it is extremely hard to repair.
I had a supervisor who would not let me send an email before approving it first.
She was so inflexible that it was overbearing. I felt stifled.
When employees feel the boss does not trust them, they feel unsafe and spend more energy on survival than performing at their jobs
The corporate world is littered with micromanagers.
Sadly, many organisations prefer them because they seem to be on top of, and in control of everything.
In the short term, they may produce results but in the long run they leave a trail of destruction.
Employees want meaningful work, and they want autonomy in how they work.
The typical ‘bad boss’ spends their time directing employees rather than empowering them.
It’s sad that in many organisations, managers think to be effective they need to micromanage employees.
A manager’s job is to provide guidance and support.
It’s facilitating a healthy environment where employees can perform at their best.
Always quick to recognise, appreciate and reward employees’ efforts.
Micromanaging is the opposite of empowerment and creates toxic work environments.
It breeds resentment and disloyalty.
If you hired someone, it means you believe they are capable of doing the job, then trust them to get it done.
Micromanagement is a complete waste of everybody’s time.
It sucks the life out of employees, fosters anxiety and creates a high stress work environment.
Micromanagement chokes the growth of the employee and the organisation and fosters mediocrity.
When you empower employees, you promote a vested interest in the organisation you both work for.
Empowered employees are more confident, more willing to go the extra mile for employers, and more willing do whatever it takes to care for clients.
The best ideas and advancements are a result of empowering your team.
If you want top quality performance select the right people, provide them with the proper training and tools and then give them room to get the job done.
* Brigette Hyacinth founded the MBA Caribbean Organisation which conducts seminars and workshops in leadership, management and education and provides motivational speeches. She can be contacted at
This article first appeared on Brigette’s blogsite