27 September 2023

Women invited to learn tricks of the trades

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The second round of project grants to encourage Canberra’s working women to take up traditional trades is now open for applications.

Minister for Vocational Education and Skills, Meegan Fitzharris said grant funding would be available on a competitive basis to support projects that contributed to achieving the program’s objectives.

“This is a great program that aims to support women to enter traditional trade industries,” Ms Fitzharris said.

“Often women might want to give it a go, but aren’t sure where to start.

She said the first round of the program resulted in three projects that engaged up to 70 female participants in trade pre-apprenticeship programs and apprenticeships — a significant contribution to improving female representation in male dominated trades.

“I heard some really great stories from women who got involved in a trade through the grants program, and are now well on their way to a fulfilling career here in Canberra on a worksite or as a tradesperson,” Ms Fitzharris said.

“I’d really encourage women keen to give a trade a go, and local industry stakeholders to find out more about the program. You never know where it might lead.

“Having more women in industry can be really beneficial to local employers, which many are starting to realise.”

More information about the grants program and the application process can be accessed at this PS News link.

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