25 September 2023

Firefighters spark door-knock campaign

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The ACT Emergency Services Agency has embarked on a door-knock campaign to encourage Canberra householders to be prepared for bushfires and other emergencies.

Launching the CBR Be Ready campaign, Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Mick Gentleman said 5,000 Canberra homes would be door-knocked and provided with friendly advice about preparing for the bushfire season.

“Properties in the bushfire prone areas of Canberra are being targeted as they are at higher risk of being impacted by a bushfire due to their close proximity to bush or grasslands,” Mr Gentleman said.

“Tinder-dry conditions in the ACT are as bad as they were in the lead up to the 2003 Canberra bushfires,” he said.

“Our emergency services are more prepared than ever before, but we need the community to get ready as well. Having a community prepared for bushfire is a shared responsibility.”

He said a very clear message would be delivered to residents during the door-knock — to give themselves and their properties the best chance of survival they needed to seriously prepare and plan ahead.

“I encourage all Canberra residents to make a Bushfire Survival Plan,” Mr Gentleman said.

“It’s only four simple steps and could save your life.”

The Minister thanked the emergency services volunteers and staff who are participating in the door-knock.

“Your dedication to helping build resilience within our community is invaluable,” he said.

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