The Maltese Chamber of Commerce has called for the full digitalisation of Government services with real-time applications’ tracking “In order to eradicate clientelism and abuse”.
The Chamber’s pre-Budget statement comes in the wake of the latest social benefits scandal involving former Labour MP, Silvio Grixti.
“The monies being squandered through such rackets could be better used to support those who really need help and to address issues which are leading to the country’s deterioration, such as the traffic situation, the lack of investment in utility infrastructure, the shabbiness and proper waste management,” the statement said.
The business lobby group said practices that propagate “a culture of abuse of power and clientelism” put a heavy onus on the Government to urgently implement digital systems that increased efficiency, provided full transparency and ensured fairness.
“The longer we allow things to slip, the worse the repercussions and the cost of repairing them will be,” the statement said.
Meanwhile, Ombudsman, Joseph McKeon has urged Public Servants to comply with a Government directive regarding the length of time they should take to reply to questions by the public.
Mr McKeon (pictured) said there were an increasing number of complaints to his Office of the length of time taken to answer questions.
“Each incoming request for information or guidance received through email is to be checked and acknowledged within one working day. If the requests are straightforward they should be replied to immediately,” the former judge said.
“Incoming requests of a complex nature should still be acknowledged with a short note indicating the expected timeframe when a final reply shall be given — usually no longer than three days.”
Valetta, 5 September 2023