26 September 2023

Workplace health and safety changes agreed

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An independent review of the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 has been completed with the Government accepting all 31 of its recommendations.

The review sought to clarify and enhance the Act’s existing frameworks and ensure its overall effectiveness.

The main recommendations in the review report relate to elevating the role of health and safety representatives (HSRs) in the workplace; clarifying the rights of HSRs and worker representatives, and streamlining dispute resolution procedures, alongside 55 sub-recommendations.

A key finding from the review found safety outcomes improved when workers were empowered to have an active role in safety, and where there were high levels of cooperation between workers and employers.

The review also noted the need for more industry education on the rights of HSRs and worker representatives.

Workplace Health and Safety Queensland said it was expected that an amendment Bill would be introduced into Parliament later in the year to implement the majority of the recommendations.

“The Bill will also include amendments to address recommendations made by an earlier national review of the Model Work Health and Safety Laws,” the Agency said.

Access to the independent review’s report and the Government’s response can be obtained from this PS News link.

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