26 September 2023

Public to have greater say in Environment

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An extensive engagement process by the Department of Environment and Science has resulted in legislated reforms to strengthen the State’s environmental framework.

In a statement, the Department said the new legislation provided greater certainty for the community and industry, including a change that would give the regulator the power to end an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) process where a proposal was clearly unacceptable.

It introduces an ‘early no’ step in the EIS process so that community and project proponents know early in the piece that a project will not receive approvals as proposed, saving industry and the regulator time and money,” the Department said.

“Under the legislation, public notification must now occur for any major amendments to environmental authorities for resource-sector projects to make sure local communities are aware and can have their say.”

It said this followed consultation with conservation groups, industry and the agriculture sector where it was found that in some instances EISs upwards of 10 years old were being relied upon for project proposals, often with outdated information.

Minister for the Environment, Meaghan Scanlon said community expectations, technology and industry were evolving “and it’s vital that our laws remain modern and reflect the changes we’re seeing”.

“This is about making sure that we have certainty for landowners and industry, while also making sure that we continue to protect our environment and that the independent regulator can be effective in its role,” Ms Scanlon said.

“It’s also important that executive officers who do the wrong thing can be held accountable for their acts or omissions, and these changes reflect that original intent, and will prevent directors avoiding potential liability by resigning from their role.”

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