Humans are designed to be social says * Katherine Taylor but not everyone has adept social skills.
Here are several ways you can enhance your social skills today, which can ultimately improve your life:
- Maintain Eye Contact
Appearing interested in a conversation isn’t just about how we respond, the facial expressions we make, and the tone in our voice.
It also has to do with how we maintain eye contact.
This simple act can also make us appear more confident to the people we are speaking to.
- Listen to Podcasts
There are many self-help podcasts out there, including ones geared towards helping people learn new social skills and communication tips.
Podcasts like these can be comforting and inspiring for anyone who is fearful about sharpening their social skills.
- Don’t Forget to Listen
A big problem many of us make when socialising with others is wanting to always be the centre of the conversation.
But a conversation is a two-way street. We must be as good of a listener as we are talkers to keep the conversation going in a healthy manner.
- Keep on Top of the News
Staying in touch with current events, whether local or worldwide, can give you ideas of things to talk about with others.
When you’re in tune with the news, you’ll never run out of topics to discuss.
- Ask Questions
When the conversation gets stale, one of the best things to do to keep a conversation going is to ask questions.
Asking questions can also help enlighten you while making the other person feel that you are interested in them and their conversation with you.
- Give a Compliment to Someone
As hard as it may be at times, giving someone, stranger or otherwise, a compliment can be a big social move.
This can be a great conversation starter and even help you make friends easier.
- Join a Club
One way to get yourself out of your comfort zone and get more social is to join a club. This can be intimidating at first, but after the first few club meetings, you’ll find yourself more comfortable with the people in the club and with socialising with them.
- Don’t Put So Much Pressure on Yourself
The more pressure you put on yourself to improve your social skills, the more you may feel discouraged.
Instead, know that it takes time to get to where you need to be.
It’s important to celebrate all the small achievements along the way.
- Consider Professional Help
In cases where your social skills may be seriously lacking, sometimes professional help is the best way to go.
Social anxiety treatment can be a great way to help one get out of their shell and learn to view socialization in a more positive manner.
Developing proper social skills can take time and effort. Although, the results can be well worth it in the end.
Socialising in all the right ways can truly make a difference in one’s life for the better, from increasing one’s shot at landing a new job to helping one make friends easily.
* Katherine Taylor wrote this article which appeared on Australian Women Online.