26 September 2023

Gender studies to drive PS equality

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The Commission for Gender Equality in the Public Sector has published a collection of case studies on gender impact assessments.

In a statement, the Commission said the suite of seven case studies was undertaken by defined entities on gender impact assessments that covered a range of policies, services and programs that affected the public.

“Topics include public health, open space planning, community grants and health service provision,” the Commission said.

“These case studies share insights and learnings from defined entities under the Gender Equality Act 2020,” it said.

“(The Act) requires defined entities to do gender impact assessments of all new policies, programs and services that directly and significantly impact the public, as well as those up for review.”

The Commission said one of the case studies looked at how BreastScreen Victoria increased the inclusivity and accessibility of their programs and services for trans and gender diverse people as a result of their gender impact assessment.

It said another study examined Bass Coast Shire Council’s gender impact assessment on its public place names to address the gender imbalance of place naming and to recognise the contribution many notable women had made.

“Monash City Council conducted a gender impact assessment on their new Loneliness Framework and discovered that an intersectional approach is critical to addressing loneliness in the community,” the Commission said.

“Glenelg Shire Council used gender impact assessments at Portland Leisure and Aquatic Centre to improve the user experience and attract new users of all genders.”

It said other case studies included Geelong City Council’s assessment of mountain biking facilities; Horsham Rural City Council’s assessment of their Community Grants Program; and Northern assessment of its existing Childbirth and Parenting Education Program.

“Thank you to all of the organisations that worked with us to bring (the case studies) to life,” the Commission said.

It said any defined entities interested in having a gender impact assessment case study featured on the Commission’s website should email [email protected].

The seven case studies can be accessed at this PS News link.

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