Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) has reported that there were 100 food recalls in Australia in 2018, an increase over the 69 recalls in 2017.
The Agency’s release of the data included new information on the causes of allergen labelling-related recalls.
Chief Executive at FSANZ, Mark Booth said that of the 100 recalls, 46 per cent were due to undeclared allergens, followed by microbial contamination (20 per cent).
“These results demonstrate that food businesses in Australia need to be across the mandatory allergen labelling requirements in the Food Standards Code,” Mr Booth said.
“FSANZ has identified four key causes of allergen-related recalls, including lack of skills and knowledge of labelling requirements, supplier verification, packaging errors and accidental cross-contamination.”
He said correct allergen labelling could mean the difference between life and death for people with food allergies, so it was vital that food businesses met labelling requirements.
Mr Booth said FSANZ, along with enforcement Agencies, continued to communicate with food businesses to ensure they understood labelling requirements and their importance.
FSANZ is a statutory authority in the Australian Government Health portfolio. It develops food standards for Australia and New Zealand.
The Food Standards Code is enforced by State and Territory Departments, Agencies and Councils within Australia, and the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources for food imported into Australia.